Tuesday, June 22, 2010

how did everyone do on their first day? i did really well. i almost at after 8 not realizing that it was so late. instead i went walking with  a friend, i needed that.

also- can everyone leave their email address for me here in one place so that i can add you as contributers to the blog? thanks!


  1. eight o'clock snuck up on me, too.

    I had a great day yesterday, too and am feeling SO PUMPED about being healthy and well (and hopefully skinny).

    email: evieoneder(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. Here is my email: eatfishanddie@gmail.com
    Amy T

  3. Okay, I really thought that I already posted a comment here, but I guess I didn't?
    Anyway, was eating fruit & veggies furiously up until the very last minute day one. Better at spacing it out day 2 and today.
    Feeling GREAT, thanks for doing this.
    email: familyflo(at)cox(dot)net

  4. hey jackie! i just got back from canada but i would love to do this 3 month challenge. is it okay even thought i'm a couple days late? if you send me your address i'll mail you the check :) just let me know! thanks :)

  5. Um ... I didn't know we started. Ugh! Can I still total up points as long as I'm crazy honest?

  6. Also, are we going to post our points?

  7. taylor- of course you can join still, you need to try and go back to monday and start adding your points there.
    you silly how did you not know? of course go back and start adding. i know you are crazy honest so i will beleive you. i will have a post every sunday where everyone's score will be posted.

  8. We are enjoying eating healthier, and the balance of the whole challenge. Thanks for the motivation to get going.
    email: patwhitacre@gmail.com

  9. is exercise counting as two points?

    email: nellawafer@gmail.com

  10. here's my email

    carolinedrake [at] gmail.com

  11. Here's my email: teamevans8@msn.com
